
Entity Definition

Logical Name : WorkerCertificationIssuingBody
Physical Name : PA_BDY_WRKR_CF_ISSG

A government or professional body that issues WorkerCertificates.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
WorkerCertificationIssuingBodyID (PK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for the government or professional body that issues WorkerCertificates. ID_BDY_WRKR_CD_ISSG Identity integer
PartyRoleAssignmentID (FK) Token identifier for a PartyRoleAssignmentInstance. ID_PRTY_RO_ASGMT Identity integer PartyRoleAssignment(PA_RO_PRTY)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
PartyRoleAssignment is a WorkerCertificationIssuingBody
WorkerCertificationIssuingBody issues WorkerCertificate

Logical Views containing WorkerCertificationIssuingBody

Logical View
Logical 06310 - Party - Role View
Logical 11100 - Worker - Macro View
Logical 11120 - Worker - Job Definition View